City government of Niigata hold earthquake drills in 16th June on which day 50 years ago huge earthquake called "Niigata Jishin" hit the city. As the dill, at 13:02, occurrence of earthquake will be broadcasted on the radio FM Niigata and FM Niitsu. Also information distributing test, tsunami warning caused by the earthquake and evacuation directive occurred in Akiha ward and Nishikan ward are announced on various media below.
Media you can get information of earthquake as a drill
- Emergency Email Service by Cell phone providers (NTT Docomo, KDDI(au), Softbank)
- Disaster prevention and administration radio system by Niigata city
- Niigata Disaster Mail (Register needed in advance)
- BSN(TV station) Data Broadcast
- Emergency announcement to specific device distributed by the city(not for individual)
- Web page of Niigata city
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